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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Hp 9 In 1 Card Reader Not Recognized By Windows
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Compeering On A Function
The flash mob
Gloss Black Paint Weight Plates
I'm here to tell you I'm ...
... and your tears can not do anything to change

there at 20 years, Serge Gainsbourg and his alter ego Gainsbarre left us
The Dandy, which combined both the words that the evils
sometimes romantic, sometimes provocative, but always with this great looking jaded, the man at the head of cabbage passed the weapon to the left. With
unnecessary words, AC n'vaut not worth talking about .. Believe you? Is this a weariness ?
I do not think so.
You who under the influence of alcohol even the Cannabis , gives us the recipe of love crazy ,
Between Eroticism and torrid love to Dad , thou hast us took see Young women who liked the old gentlemen, The naughty girl ...
But also BB Marylou, Jane B Judith Elisa, Laetitia, Melody Nelson, Eva, Samantha, Daisy Temple, and Manon the Lola who you scream " am-Hold You .
You had at least " twelve beautiful in the skin ", yet, yet for you, "the Chinese women's "
And yes, How many other have been" Sensual and no further "... How many
been lost loves ...
How many been for you " the woman in each others' bodies .
and yes You never know où va une femme quand elle vous quitte? Surement prendre Leur plaisir sans toi
Cela t'aura mené tout droit à l' anamour ...
No Comment ...
bon je me tais... Relax Baby Be Cool... If it's any consolation , they have all loved your e Mickey Maousse
Because I tell you ...
Tantot In , Often Out
This big bad you, constantly oscillated between the Nazi Rock and song Prevert.

Between Brewery Sunday and Maxim's, you know spend little things in the world of millionaires ..
Tantot by chance and often unshaven
Often Black and rarely white
Between Rock de Nerval and poetry of Baudelaire you would have found your place in Lunatic Asylum
you were not " Glass securit "You also 6.35 death thee makes eyes.
Before dying, I will accompany you for a final and you gypsy punching your First Class Ticket before you throw it to oblivion
I'm tired of hear your voice, and groans of your black trombone.
It is terrible what requiem for a fool!
Farewell creature! you have "do not fizzled here "
Anyway, it is that of tenants are in this world. I hope you find the to you or is ... under the sun!
Gainsbarre RIP ...

The passages Bold Italic are titles by Gainsbourg
Monday, February 28, 2011
My Period Is Very Mucus
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Global Gemstone In Toronto

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Whats On The Left Side Of My Neck
- Between 18 and 20 a woman is like Africa : half wild, naturally beautiful and full of mysterious fertility in some deltas.
- Between 21 and 30 a woman is like America : developed and open to trade, especially with those who have the dough.
- Between 31 and 35 a woman is like India : sensual, relaxed and convinced of her beauty.
- Between 36 and 40 a woman is like France : deliciously mature, it remains a pleasant place to visit.
- Between 41 and 50 a woman is like Yugoslavia : war is now lost, the mistakes of the past haunt her. Major work of reconstruction must be initiated.
- Between 51 and 60 a woman is like Russia : scope, limits uncontrolled. The frigid climate discourages visitors.
- Between 61 and 70 a woman is like Mongolia : a glorious past conquests, but alas, no future.
- After 70 years a woman is like Afghanistan: many know where it is, but nobody wants to go there ...
- Between 15 and 70 years a man is like the U.S. : ruled by a dick.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wordings For Aniversary Wishes
Milena Velba With Pregnant

4 Days Off With Chest Infection

"You join us when? "
When I'm ready to go out of my hole. Because, I'm always afraid presentations with close friends. I mean it is not a mere chance encounter. No, there you are well aware that throughout the evening you will be judged because you're the new girlfriend of super dude. Are you quite pretty / funny / cultured? But especially at the height of the old one? From that everyone liked, I said that , part of the family before separation.
response, is a real problem existential: I am a real disaster for the first meetings. They regard early dating, friendly, professional. It's very simple .. or I do not speak or conversely I am making a good verbal diarrhea and I start to say whatever comes into my head. In both cases it does not lack for a password .. I remained.
An example? Good! The first time I talked face to Melissa (nickname of an ex who put me on all soft knee) it went something like this:
(the *..* represent my thoughts)
Him : Hi
Me: (Nod) ... .. I'm * super * what now
Him: I just talk to you because it is fine to yell at each other on msn but it's not funny face?
As it was "fantasy", a friend had made me add her on msn . It was in our promotion but we had never spoken to him in the face. I had no intention of going to enter the discussion with Mr. canvas, but it was not very cool with my girlfriend for discussion msnienne .. I'm upset and I went to the piss off. There was yelling and then was carted. Finally we discussed and started to get along ...
Me: (nod )...* but speaks Roxane speaks damn *
Him: good ..
Me: (finding a touch of luck) it's cool the sociology of work right? * Oké you'd better have you close *
Him: uh ... yeah ..
Me: yeah ..* ..* super
Him: good .. . I'll let you
Me: No just wait .. uh is that it's weird to talk to you, I mean we do not knows. Finally, if we know but not in practice. This does not mean that I do not want to know eh! But because I feel better entrenched behind my pc . Not that I am a geek .. What I love video games .. but not what I mean is that it's easier to be humorous without stress con behind a computer . Finally it does not mean I'm funny that behind pc. I mean I know .. finally be when I'm not talking about the sociology of work. But otherwise I'm pretty funny, I think .. A little crazy in all cases seen my flow of words. But do not worry, I know my tongue. Oh and crazy when I say it does not mean crazy-crazy .. just only in very special cases I start to talk too .. genus now .. This does not mean you're special just the situation .. (silence of two seconds). * Shut up brain, shut up *
Me: You know what ..? I will stop and you'll act as if nothing had happened. There. You're forgetting the last five minutes. Yes you will leave with your friends, and I'll go to the other side and it will retry tomorrow to talk .. now .. I am silent and uh .. I'm .. * Get out get out get out! *
And I left. The next day he was in front of me but that's another story.
short by this example we clear proof that I do not hold me in public. In this case Melinda had taken me by surprise, certainly, but I'm not sure psychologically prepare myself to be judged not prevent me to rush right into a wall.
And then another question arises. Does that mean that I also have to confront my expert judgments s fellows, namely my best friends? Because actually this is also a test! Even if the opinions of my buddies I was never prevented from going out with a gus (and sometimes it might be better to) remain important. The funniest
is when the friends try to hide their negative opinions so as not to confuse. But with time I learned to recognize the "signs" of disapproval. My Ju shrug and get me out, "I do not know too much but it looks nice." Alex not speak because gross stripping she knows that if she opens her mouth all out. Mathilde smile, saying "he has a trick without explain the nature of the thing. V (friend returned homo hetero by the Holy Spirit yes yes) will focus the conversation on his clothes. Jocelyn tells me "after it's not my type of man .. "Stephen me launch a" low listening is good. " Leila and her fellows leave on another topic. MB qualify it by a term that means nothing like "This is a type eloquent." Claire and I will release a "he looks to make you happy." Yes folks I know your fakes ...
Finally .. man has desired reassuring. And while it's still a showdown for me, putting his close friends, it is not proof that I am his official? And therefore the contrary of my little person, he is not ashamed of me?
Friday, February 25, 2011
How To Build A Horizontal Fence
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
What Does 1 Kilo Of Fat Look Like
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Ovarian Cancer It Whispers So Listen
"Oh, I smell a red (laughs bold)
They were the words of a young man crossing the street same time as me but in the opposite direction. I stopped. Is what I was good to hear that phrase meaningless? I had trouble understanding that it was I who spoke. It must be said that at the base, I'm blonde.
I could go away and tell me anyway, it did not matter. Youth without interest and certainly no future. I could have my reason: assaulting two types when weighed about fifty pounds soaking wet is not really something sensible. But now .. madmoiselleroro is a little nervous. And who says "little nervous," said BIG pain in the ass.
So, I'm planted in front of him with a smile toothpaste.
"It's me you're talking about? "
The boy of twenty years does not answer me. I think he did not expect to have a harpy in front of him.
"No. .. because it's always better to address people in front you know? So c'mon I'm listening. Dare I say with all your acne (yes I'm nasty) in the face that you're better than me because I have red hair? "
Still no response
" I should have guessed that you would not have enough vocabulary .. "I have released starting afresh.
Three steps later, I hear a fabulous
" pff slut"
The hard!
" Oua! What distributed! That is how long that you look for this one? And then Madame Bitch I beg you. But since you seem to be a great drive that took her completely IQ dead mold, will not you give me your name and surname? Yes because Madame Bitch is a journalist (well ok probation but I do not care) and would be happy to echo a little shit from the city to be sure he will not receive more one woman in three years! . I took out my notebook and raises his eyebrows.
The two boys looked at me with bulging eyes. Or I spoke too fast or I've blown.
"Excuse me madam 'me out of the boyfriend's asshole after a few seconds
" A tip, buy you an education, you will earn less! .
I begin to leave when the second set myself a gus:
"And madam, you have a facebook ? "
I do not understand how anyone can take such remarks. It's like those people who ask me questions about my status as "common-law relationship with (name of my best friend) on facebook , thinking that this is not a joke. I'm not a redhead. I'm not a lesbian either. But if I were I would like to consider myself a normal person, without the clichés.
No but it's true! How it happens? Because I am a woman I am the weaker sex and therefore I must wait my dear man at home? Because I live in Lille I am an alcoholic, inbred, pedophile and unemployed? Because I'm blonde I bitch?
It makes not a bit much for a single person?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Best Mini Cooper Year