Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wordings For Aniversary Wishes


Kontakion 1
In the noble land of Hibernia, * You were born on the small island of Inchiquin, * Where great St. Brendan the Voyager had established a monastery *, * And at the end of your life, the fame of your virtues * spread throughout Gaul Belgium while you are shouting:
Hail holy bishop of Feuillen Septic!

Ikos 1
Emule major Celtic missionaries, * Venus on the continent for Christ * To bring the Light of the Gospel * To the people who lived in the darkness of paganism, * Your life was exemplary and we will sing: Rejoice
, missionary of Christ the Savior,
Rejoice, light coming from Hibernia,
Hail, the Word of Christ among us,
Rejoice, the incarnation of the Gospel,
Rejoice, icon of all virtues,
Rejoice you, a reflection of the Master of our souls, Rejoice
Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 2
daughter of a pagan king of Scotland cruel and fanatical * Your mother secretly become a Christian, * And having married an Irishman, was sentenced to the stake * But Water from Heaven extinguished the blaze, * And the couple left for Hibernia singing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 2
Your pious parents in the land of saints * had three son who became monks, * And who entered their lives of piety and asceticism * In the living memory of Christians .* For thy brothers Ultan and Fursy were also famous in Christ, * O holy Feuillen we honor and praise by our humble:
Rejoice that wines of a holy family,
Rejoice, which was fed Gospel
Hail, worthy son of the Heavenly Father,
Rejoice, perfect disciple of the Lord,
Rejoice, manifestation of the Spirit,
Rejoice, saints of yore commensal ,
Rejoice Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 3
From childhood, you clear you way to heaven, * Looking for friendship with God and His saints * You loved the solitude, asceticism and prayer * And oftentimes you visited monasteries * To attend the divine offices where they chant to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 3
happy childhood is children of God, * Drinking milk to the tenderness of the gospel * And feeding on the nectar of the prayers, * aspiring only to future wealth * In the Kingdom of Heaven .* St. Feuillen, you grow in holiness and we will cry out: Rejoice
, halo of Scripture
Rejoice, beautiful ornament of the Church,
Rejoice you, the door mercy
Rejoice choir of divine teachings,
Rejoice, banner of victory in Christ,
Rejoice, lighting the fire of Heaven Rejoice
Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 4
From the age of eleven, you became a novice, * and you begin to cultivate the garden of your soul * The flowers of the holy Christian virtues, * Hidden Treasures in God's monasticism * And the sweet certainty of Love * From the ineffable God of Love to which the creation cried: Alleluia!

Ikos 4
In adulthood, became a monk, you traveled the Hibernia, * Harvesting souls for Christ .* For your sweetness and fervor of your preaching, * You did give up the darkness Light, * Converting the multitudes who you are singing now:
Rejoice, Column of the Holy Church,
Rejoice, shining candle before God,
Rejoice, incense eternal prayer
Rejoice, lampade shining in the night,
Rejoice, Tabernacle of hésychie,
Rejoice, altar whose life is offering,
Hail holy bishop of Feuillen Septic!

Kontakion 5
Then you leave the island of saints .* You cross the sea to England .* There you became abbot of a community * Living in a strict asceticism .* And, announcing the Kingdom God of the Gentiles, * You sing incessantly to God: Alleluia !

Ikos 5
A pagan chief, the head of his minions, * came to ransack your holy monastery * And all the monks dispersed around you .* All you had to flee to less hostile land, * And you left for Gaul, Belgium, where we honor you now as you sing:
Rejoice, frail boat on the sea in the world,
Rejoice, incredible strength of the priesthood,
Rejoice you, patience of eternity,
Rejoice, slack time of prayer,
Rejoice, glory of the consecrated life,
Rejoice, star of Heaven monastic
Hail holy bishop of Feuillen Septic!

Kontakion 6
Moved by a divine impulse, * Taking with you the scriptures and relics, * you cross the sea, and God's providence brought Te * in the diocese of Liège * Where are you again your missionary work of the Holy Gospel singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 6
You again became the architect of the Vine Lord, * The pastor in search of new sheep, * And the Lord's earthly lips * To proclaim His Truth and His Love .* O Holy Feuillen, architect of the evangelization of the Gentiles, we praise, saying: Rejoice
up, illuminator of darkness,
Rejoice, fervent love of the Lord,
Rejoice, apostolic zeal of the saints,
Rejoice, ambo of the grace of God, Rejoice
, precious vase charity
Rejoice, twilight of paganism,
Hail holy bishop of Feuillen Pits!

Kontakion 7
you preach, you build chapels and churches, * To proclaim the glory of God * And give the faithful decent places of worship .* And the number of believers as a tidal wave rose, * Calling out to the merciful God: Alleluia!

Ikos 8
Providence of God unto you meet the two holy sisters Gertrude and Beghe *, beads of female monasticism .* You became their teacher for their * teach the wonders of Holy Scripture, * And they praised God with gratitude while we will cry out:
Rejoice, friend of the two holy nuns
Rejoice, initiator of Scripture
Rejoice you, master of the holy Christian life
Rejoice, for example badge of virtue,
Rejoice, icon of pure asceticism,
Rejoice, life devoted to God, Rejoice
holy bishop Feuillen of Sand!

Kontakion 9
St. Gertrude, to thank you for your teaching * Seeing the greatness of your mission for the advancement of the Kingdom .* offer you a land near the present town of Fosses You .* erected a church dedicated to St. Peter Apostle * Where we sang with gratitude to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9
You were then consecrated bishop Régionnair * You pursued your holy life of asceticism and preaching .* And you total dedication to your mission as an apostle, * You left evangelize the vast forest coal, * Admiring your zeal and your enthusiasm, we praise you with these words:
Rejoice, tireless apostolate
Rejoice, giver of the Word,
Rejoice, shepherd's image Christ
Rejoice, ineffable love of the brethren,
Rejoice, love incarnate in man,
Rejoice, the Lord's shadow on the world,
Rejoice Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 10
You was walking in the forest of Seneffe with three companions, * When you meet pagans who hated Christians .* They feigned benevolence, and they proposed * To tell you the path, then host it for you night .* You accepted and thanked God, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 10
At nightfall, the pagans killed you with your companions, you * Then they dépecèrent and in a barn * They bury your martyred body * But God Who is wonderful in His saints, * The retained incorrompus till the time when we found them, and there you cried :
Rejoice, lamb victim of the pagans,
Rejoice, seed from which sprout holiness
Rejoice, baptism of blood for heaven
Rejoice, sacrifice pleasing to God,
Rejoice, sacrifice, purity,
Rejoice, offering at the altar of martyrdom,
Rejoice Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 11
St. Gertrude worries no longer see you, tell your brother * Fit St. Ultan of your death .* And he sent monks looking for you, * But their quest was in vain, * And you are only supposed to Heaven * Among those who sing continuously to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 11
Gold St. Gertrude of Nivelles had a vision, telling him * Who your natalice .* And she saw a pillar of fire * Who showed him with certainty * The management of the forest coal .* They followed the holy monks and found your body and you praised this way:
Rejoice, God will glorified in death
Rejoice, Christ grant you Life without end,
Rejoice, you worry was the bosom of Abraham,
Rejoice, Mother of God welcome you,
Rejoice, saints in heaven sang,
Rejoice yourself, your praise endureth for ever,
Hail holy bishop of Feuillen Septic!

Kontakion 12
A Nivelles, it made you solemn funeral * Then they tried to move your body Septic * But being the Sambre overflowing from heavy rain * We plan to transport your body in a boat .* But the horse that carried your body crossed the ford * For the waters lowered suddenly and we cried to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12
With this amazing miracle, nature itself bore witness * * And thy holy since we knew this place * From the passage of thy holy relics of St. * As Ford Feuillen .* Father thaumaturge and elect of God, we magnify you as you sing:
Rejoice, whose body was uncorrupted,
Rejoice, who lived on earth to Heaven,
Rejoice, you who pray to heaven for our earth,
Rejoice, indefatigable missionary
Hail, holy pilgrim Paradise
Hail, traveler Bel Gospel
Hail holy bishop Feuillen of Sand!

Kontakion 13
In the church of Fosses, thy holy relics kept * became an inexhaustible source of miracles * By which God gave to those who worshiped you from Healing * their troubles while they sang to him out loud: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (What is said Kontakion 3 times)

Ikos 1
Emule major Celtic missionaries, * Venus on the continent for Christ * To bring the Light of the Gospel * To the people who lived in darkness paganism, * Your life was exemplary and we will sing: Rejoice
, missionary of Christ the Savior,
Rejoice, light coming from Hibernia,
Hail, the Word of Christ among us,
Rejoice, the incarnation of the Gospel,
Rejoice, icon of all virtues,
Rejoice, reflecting the Master of our souls, Rejoice
Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

Kontakion 1
In the noble land of Hibernia, * You were born on the small island of Inchiquin, * Where the great St. Brendan the Voyager had established a monastery *, * And at the end of your life The fame of your virtues * spread throughout Gaul Belgium while you are shouting:
Rejoice Feuillen holy bishop of Sand!

O our father St. Feuillen, tireless preacher of the Gospel and Locust Paradise on earth live, grant us, we who have neither thy zeal and thy great fervor of be commemorated in thy holy prayers to Heaven, so that through your intercession valuable, Christ the Lord grant us His great mercy and guide us on the path of salvation, so that one day we can with you, and under the protection of Our Lady, Mother of God Most Pure, rent the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in His eternal Kingdom. Amen!

composed for the glory of God and His
holy hierarch
By Claude Lopez-Ginisty

Fin & glory to God!


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