February 13
Feast of St. Simeon the Myrrhoblite
Your 3
Troparion to St. Leuba, hermit
(Natalice in 540 AD)
disciple of St. Ours, that Sennevrières *
In Touraine you have made you hermit .*
In a constant conversation with God, *
Poor in the world, but rich in the Sky , *
You succeeded Paradise at your natalice .*
Saint Leuba, asks the Lord to save our souls!
Ton 4
Troparion to St. Lezin, bishop of Angers,
(Natalice the 6th century)
important figure to the King Clotaire, *
You made your work with wisdom and zeal *
Then you leave the world for the monastery .*
It made you bishop of Angers, *
That you govern like a good shepherd of Christ .*
St. Lezin, beseech God that He has for us thank you!
5 Ton
Troparion to St. Ermenilda, Abbot,
(Natalice the 7th century)
Queen of Mercia, which converts your husband *
You fought the pagan Anglo-Saxon .*
Widowed, you worry allas the convent, *
And soon you became abbot of Ely *
Where you applied Rule of St. Benedict .*
Ermenilda Saint, pray to God to save our souls!
Ton 6
Troparion to St. Castor, hermit
(Natalice the 4th century)
You were ordained priest by St. Maximin *
And wishing you away from the temptations of the world *
You became lonely on the Moselle River .*
But disciples who have discovered place, *
you build a monastery for Christ .*
St. Castor, asks the Lord to save our souls!
+ + +++++
To date Day saint, we have chosen the date of natalice (birth to Heaven) in the more traditional Orthodox Church. The troparia of our invention are written in rhymed Alexandrine not, and can sing the traditional Slavic colors. We in the West many local intercessors who watch over us so for centuries. Many are, alas, completely forgotten. It is natural that we celebrate together with the holy Russian, Greek, Serbian or Romanian who brought Orthodoxy in our land. Often, these relics blessed saints abandoned, have, when they were revered and honored an icon, shown the grace of God through the miracle of myrrh.
That the prayers of our fathers in faith Saints Orthodox West, and our sponsors spiritual saints Eastern Orthodox synergistic, lead us to the eternal kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!
Claude Lopez-Ginisty
I would be grateful to readers who are aware of icons saints mentioned let me know: claudelopezginisty@gmail.com
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