Monday, November 30, 2009

Silver Smithing Courses Calgary

Bussigny Hall, Sunday, December 6 at 17h


Vocal Ensemble Agreement

with Gogniat Raphael - Organist

Directorate : Isabelle Jaermann


Music for the Liturgy St. Mark's in Venice
Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)
Motets for choir and organ

English Music of the XVII th century
De Francisco Correa de Arauxo (1576 -1654)
Libro for solo organ of tientos


Presale tickets from November 10, 2009
Chemist Bussigny Guy Carrel
rue de la Gare 19 - Tel 021 701 21 90
Entry ;: CHF 20 .-. Apprentices, students: CHF 10 .-. Children under 16: Free
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Masterbated Fruit

Moudon, Temple St Etienne Sunday, November 29 at 17h



Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)

Temple St Etienne de Moudon

Sunday, November 29 at 17h

The Tromboncina : all cornetts and sackbut with
Liselotte Emery, Hans-Jakob Bollinger, Jacques Henry,
Daniel Brunner, Vincent Hirschy

Direction: Isabelle Jaermann


Music for the Liturgy of St. Mark's in Venice

Excerpts Symphonies Sacred
Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Jubilate, Diligam te Domine

Motets and canzone from May to December vote
(view / print the detailed program )
Information: Association for St-Etienne ,
Tourism Moudon - 021 905 88 66
Tickets: Adults
CHF 25 .- / CHF 20 .- AHV / Members CHF 20 .- / CHF 15 .- Children
, apprentices, students , entry to entry libreBillets
(doors open at 16:00)

With Bank support RAIFFEISEN

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Animated Jokes For Cellphones

summer internship at Pinnacle chorale (Burgundy)


All voice Agreement and friends:

and Ensemble "The Tromboncina"
whole cornetts and sackbuts


Sunday, April 12, 2009

What Episode Does Bulma Says Vegeta's Kinda Cute

Temple Echallens

Saturday, April 25 at 20:15

concert preparation for the feast of song cantonal


The Vocal Ensemble Agreement

Direction: Isabelle Jaermann
Piano: Thierry Horber

Two choirs imposed R. Mermoud, the Russian songs of A. Dvorak,
choirs selection of Mr. Hostettler, D. Gesseney-Repo, F. Poulenc
J. Arcadelt, J. Brahms, F. Mendelssohn
popular songs

Please come and support and encourage your choir

Free admission, collection


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Milena Velba On Bus Public

Concert at the Church of Bercher

Friday 10 April 2009 15 hours

texts and music for Good Friday

Vocal Ensemble Agreement Bussigny

Directorate Isabelle Jaermann

with Etienne Pilly, baritone
Pascal Jaermann, flute, Vincent Gay-Balmaz, oboe, Marc
Jaermann, cello, Francois Altermath, organ

Works by Bach, Franck, Mendelssohn

Entry libre, Collect

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Is The Usb Port For On My Vip222k 2010

Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 18h in the Church Villamont, Lausanne

Motet de J. Kühnau cantate et de Jean-Sébastien Bach:
"the righteous is to" de J. Kühnau adapté par J.-S. Bach,
"call from the depths I, Lord, to you," Cantate BWV 131

avec l'ensemble vocal Accord , direction: Isabelle Jaermann

solistes : Nicolas Wildi, tenor and Pilly Stephen, baritone and

instrumental ensemble consists of: Paul
Urstein and Julien Grandi, violins, and Johannes Karanfilova Eli Rose, violas, Emmanuelle Goffart, cello, Marc Anthony Bonanomi, bass; Anderwert Beat and Markus Häberling, oboe, Francois Dinkel, Nicole Hostettler and bassoon, organ
meditative texts prepared by Jean-Daniel Hostettler, pastor and moderator of the ESRB (Circle Studies, Dating and Spirituality)

Organization: Cantata and Parole Association in cooperation with the parish of Villamont. Vous pouvez devenir membre de l'Association en versant une
cotisation de fr. 20.- sur le ccp 17-421807-4

Votre offrande est destinée à couvrir une partie des frais. Merci de votre générosité.

Indications pratiques : Eglise de Villamont, Lausanne , Av. de Villamont 13 bus arrêt: «Georgette» - parking de Bellefontaine
Description du lieu :

Fresque de l'église d'Onnens

Motet «der Gerechte kommt um» («Le juste est perdu»)
de J. Kühnau adapté by JS Bach, the text of Isaiah 57/1-2


The fair is lost ... but nobody takes it to heart. Good men are rounded up ... no one becomes aware that it was under the blows of evil is that just won! But it comes, peace, and those who walk in righteousness can sleep peacefully.

Cantata BWV 131 for soloists, chorus and orchestra of JS Bach
"Aus der Tiefen ruf 'ich, thunder, zu dir"
("From the depths I cry to Thee, O Lord")

1. Sinfonia and chorus
From the bottom of the deep I cry to Thee, O Lord! Lord, hear my voice! Let your ear be attentive to my supplicating voice!

2. Arioso (bass) and chorus (soprano) If you want account of the failings, Lord, who shall stand? But with you is forgiveness, that one shudders to you. Spare me this burden, remove it from my heart, since thou hast brought on wood suffering that led you to death in my distress, I do not fall in! A rupture or not lose courage forever.

3. I expect the Lord Chorus , my whole being was waiting, and hope in his word.

4. Aria (tenor) and Chorus (alto) My soul waits for the Lord of a blade to another. In my mind, I acknowledge that I am a sinner sad, tormented by his conscience, and I want your death frees me from my sins, as David and Manassé.5. Choir Israel, hope in the Lord: for with Him is an immense grace and salvation. And he will redeem Israel from all his infidelities.

5. Choir Israel, hope in the Lord: for with Him is an immense grace and salvation. And he will redeem Israel from all his infidelities.


Motete "Gerecht der kommt um" von J. Kühnau
The righteous perish, and no one who'll take it to heart! holy men are taken away, and no man regarded, for the righteous is taken away before the accident. But when the peace! and have changed right in front of him come to peace and rest in their chambers.

Cantata BWV 131 for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra by J.-S. Bach "From the depths I cry, NERR, to you» 1

Sinfonia, Coro
call from the depths of me, Lord, to thee. Lord, hear my voice, let's remember your ear to the voice of my supplications!

second Arioso way you want, sir, attributed sin, Lord, who will? For in est to you for forgiveness, that thou mayest be feared. Have mercy on me in such a load, take it from my heart, because thou hast atoned it on wood with the pain of death, that I, with great sorrow drown in my sins despair, nor ever.

third Coro wait l of the Lord, my soul waits, and I hope in his word.

4th Aria My soul waits for the Lord van one morning watch to the other. And because I because in my mind as I previously complained, even a troubled sinner, am the naget his conscience and wanted to be washed in the blood of your sins like David and Manasseh

5th Coro Israel, hope in the Lord, for bei dem Herrn ist die Gnade und bei ihm viel Erlösung. Und er wird aus all seinen Israel erlösen Sunden