Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hp 9 In 1 Card Reader Not Recognized By Windows

Orthodox roots February 17 / March 2

February 17

5 Ton
Troparion to St. Fintan, abbot ,
(Natalice in 603 AD)

Your master was Terryglas of St. Columba, *
You were regarded as the patriarch *
Of all the monks and nuns in Ireland .*
First Hermit, you attract followers, *
For which you founded many monasteries .*
St. Fintan, pray to God to save our souls!


Ton 6
Troparion to St. Kirec, confessor,
(Natalice in 585 AD)

Coming from Great Britain in Armorican, *
Among all the disciples of St. Tugdual, *
You lived in solitary region Tréguier , *
Then you became adviser of St. Pol de Leon, *
Continuing your old monastic life .*
Kirec Saint, intercede for our salvation!

+ + +++++

For the date of the saint's feast, we chose the date of natalice (birth to Heaven) more traditional in the Orthodox Church. The troparia of our invention are not written in rhymed Alexandrine, and can sing the traditional Slavic colors. We in the West many local intercessors who watch over us so for centuries. Many are, alas, completely forgotten. It is natural that we celebrate together with the holy Russian, Greek, Serbian or Romanian who brought Orthodoxy in our land. Often, these relics blessed saints abandoned, have, when they were revered and honored an icon, shown the grace of God through the miracle of myrrh.
That the prayers of our fathers in the holy Orthodox faith of the West, and our sponsors spiritual saints Eastern Orthodox acting together, lead us to the eternal kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ! Amen!

Claude Lopez-Ginisty

I would be grateful to readers who have knowledge of icons of the saints mentioned let me know: claudelopezginisty@gmail.com

Compeering On A Function

Flash Mob: Requiem - 20 years after

The flash mob
made by fans of Gainsbourg
Paris February 19, 2011

Gloss Black Paint Weight Plates

March 2, 1991: Serge Gainsbourg was finishing his "Requiem"

I'm here to tell you I'm ...
... and your tears can not do anything to change

there at 20 years, Serge Gainsbourg and his alter ego Gainsbarre left us
The Dandy, which combined both the words that the evils
sometimes romantic, sometimes provocative, but always with this great looking jaded, the man at the head of cabbage passed the weapon to the left. With
unnecessary words, AC n'vaut not worth talking about .. Believe you? Is this a weariness ?
I do not think so.
You who under the influence of alcohol even the Cannabis , gives us the recipe of love crazy ,
Between Eroticism and torrid love to Dad , thou hast us took see Young women who liked the old gentlemen, The naughty girl ...
But also BB Marylou, Jane B Judith Elisa, Laetitia, Melody Nelson, Eva, Samantha, Daisy Temple, and Manon the Lola who you scream " am-Hold You .
You had at least " twelve beautiful in the skin ", yet, yet for you, "the Chinese women's "
And yes, How many other have been" Sensual and no further "... How many
been lost loves ...
How many been for you " the woman in each others' bodies .
and yes You never know où va une femme quand elle vous quitte? Surement prendre Leur plaisir sans toi
Cela t'aura mené tout droit à l' anamour ...

No Comment ... 
bon je me tais... Relax Baby Be Cool... If it's any consolation , they have all loved your e Mickey Maousse
Because I tell you ...

Tantot Doctor Jeckyll but often Mr. Hyde,
Tantot orang-utan Tantot KingKong
Tantot In , Often Out

This big bad you, constantly oscillated between the Nazi Rock and song Prevert.

Between Brewery Sunday and Maxim's, you know spend little things in the world of millionaires ..

Tantot by chance and often unshaven

Often Black and rarely white

Between Rock de Nerval and poetry of Baudelaire you would have found your place in Lunatic Asylum

you were not " Glass securit "You also 6.35 death thee makes eyes.

Before dying, I will accompany you for a final and you gypsy punching your First Class Ticket before you throw it to oblivion

I'm tired of hear your voice, and groans of your black trombone.
It is terrible what requiem for a fool!

Farewell creature! you have "do not fizzled here "
Anyway, it is that of tenants are in this world. I hope you find the to you or is ... under the sun!

Gainsbarre RIP ...

The passages Bold Italic are titles by Gainsbourg