Here's a classic scene between a woman, her man and his laptop:
It is far and you're missing. Normally it's cold and you would rather babble in his arms, warm, rather than you buy a frozen dinner to eat Carrefour alone with a television guimauverie. While browsing the different choices of penne, you wonder what he can do well, with who he is and especially what he is thinking of you.
is when your arm starts to move alone. Hop, is stronger than anything, you grab your laptop to write her a text message by nonsense like "I think of you." So far so good ..
Thereafter things get tough because yes ... you have to do to wait .. Normal man is surely in the evening and prefers to spend in other ways that set her on the phone. Yourself, you fart a cable when your buddies (if not you) is glued to his cell phone while you tell him your day job .. But instead of thinking in this direction .. you're frustrated!
Two hours later, you're in depression and sleep before this movie. Apparently he does not think because you do not respond very well ... .. you do not care of that bastard anyway ..! You even said repeatedly rerépété and all your friends. The guys are all morons!
Then bam the phone beep. You throw like a lion enraged over with a triumphant smile on his lips. So what happened to the man? He was abducted? Right? You do not know. Your SMS inbox displays three words: "you too kisses. "Your joy
fades, you display an angry pout mid-mid-sad. This response from you steal, you insurgents. You'd better go lie down. But no, it's more fun to become a big psycho. You begin to bellow on your phone as if it was wrong "That's it? . Can you review for the fifteenth time this SMS to try to get the deeper message behind. Not worth it, there is none.
Anger rises. Already he said "you too" but you too what? That does not mean anything at all! He frankly did not hit the bastard! You do this shit right? Oh, he'll see what he will see! At this point you deserve a shot of tranquilizer .. dose of a horse ... but bad luck no one will you administer.
Taking a drive sudden you decide to answer him a trick that will cogitate on all night. Well done to her face! But if you know the kind of message that says a lot but not enough. What destabilize and make a night of crap. Ahahahaha. A typical example? Well: "I leave you I need to think." Alala the "I need to think / to be alone / not want to talk ... "We are super strong for that we women. Although
sûûûûûûr you know deeply that it will not stop there. Besides, if he did, you péteriez more cable and he retextoterait a "anyway you do not care" is not it? But no, the gus does not this pretense of the White Wolf and meets a nice "reflecting on what?".
There you know it yet. Yes it's the perfect moment to piss off! You will not answer before he gets annoyed when texting three progressively. Then you'll totally outraged by the indifference his unjustified tantrum (my eye). Tell him to calm down. You are not H-24 with your laptop and you've warned you leave thinking first! If you cheat, you will add that it was not but he also saw his behavior now, you may be putting you there. Although
.. after all that ladies. You do not feel like the big pain in the ass?
is reassuring us .. I do not take this to women ... men are somewhat similar. It is your "canary in Fiji Sugar" was deliberately did not respond immediately to leave a thriller. Like "there must be wondering where I am bouahah .. so she will see that I'm not totally sold on him bouahah. I bet she psychotic. (Hug a friend). "
I'm just saying if you look at why the other will give the opposite impression? The sms would it be a modern way of sadomasochism?
Because yes ... sometimes .. text messaging ... it's evil! !
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