That ... .. today is the day!
What? Oh nooo not Saint Valentine ! Who cares of this holiday- guimauvo commercialo-pathetiquo .. I do not brief you still understand me. In fact you should know that February 14 is not THAT the St. Valentine ! It is also the awareness day heart Congenital ... Think!
Today is my audition for courses Florent . In two hours I'll be in front of a jury being unflappable me wallow miserably , try to do theater.
Needless to say I am not stressed ..
From all ..
Luckily I had a great weekend weekend in Paris with lots of friends who for some unknown reason have decided to believe in me (over me). They reminded me that even if it is true, I'm a ball three quarters of the time, I'm still super well surrounded. Special mention to my little Claire, who in addition to accommodate me, make me to eat, take me to see Romain Duris theater, let me yell at his apartment in abundance for train. And even gives me advice for my staging. If that's not a precious friend, I will cut my knee (why not a knee eh?)
more I think, the more I know I'm in love with the city. If there is only one love in life, so here's mine: Paris. Like the pavement, lights, buildings. I gladly support the metro . And most people who my loved ones are here. So naturally, when, between ordering a beer I was moved: "how would you like a conference to four next year?" I admit I'm tempted. The question is where my journey takes me.
Anyway .. go on the day of the feast of love to play in my favorite city. Then join a group of friends who hold me in the restaurant so reassuring, saying that anyway, I tear for them all ... it seems perfect. I could not go better Saint Valentine it. I hope yours will be just as good
you soon.
( ps: I have many things to tell you about my journey but soon .. for now promised it will come soon
pps: Readers Know that I currently red hair .. and it also it's a long story ...)
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