Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Akathist to the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Port Arthur

(The icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Port Arthur, is also known as the icon of "Feast of the Most Holy Mother of God." It was originally written for the naval base of Port Arthur at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904. it should be delivered from St. Petersburg by train to Port Arthur (now Lushun, China), but she remained in Vladivostok for about six months. The icon was sent again to reach his destination of Port Arthur. This time she was transported by a boat that was heading to Shanghai. Port Arthur surrendered to Japanese December 20, 1904. The icon arrived never in Port Arthur and it mysteriously disappeared, but was recently discovered in an antique shop in Jerusalem February 17, 1996. On May 6, 1998 the icon returned to Vladivostok. The diocese of Vladivostok has designated August as the 16/29 day of remembrance of this icon, coincides with the feast of the image non-made-of-hand-men all of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.)

Kontakion I
Notre Dame, we Thy servants [Country Name] raise our voices to sing a hymn of thanksgiving to you and our intercessor our queen, chosen from all generations, you who defend us by the veil of Thy grace. We beseech Thee, O most merciful Lady, deliver us from all calamities and torment, while we offer this joyful hymn: Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Ikos I
O Our Lady, the Creator of the angels chose you for the gracious hello nations and has given you to us, as a mediator of the Orthodox people, who we delivers invasions Famine and all misfortunes, and which confers piety and devotion to our lives. Therefore, remembering your goodness, we'll sing a happy heart:
Rejoice, home of the inaccessible deity
Rejoice, marvels of the people;
Rejoice, help and intercession of thine inheritance;
Rejoice, salvation of our lawyer;
Rejoice, gracious deliverance from trials;
Rejoice, indestructible shield our warriors
Rejoice, their swords and armor invulnerable;
Rejoice, terror and defeat enemies;
Hail, Holy Queen praised the ages, whose prayers cover mercy of our entire country.

Kontakion 2
Having seen the pain, the torment of the soul, and sincere repentance of thy people, O God-bearer, He was pleased to give you a blessing and Thy icon Warriors sign of triumph to Christ's friends in distant Russia and those who need you now. Your icon venerating a contrite heart and with faith we cry out to God from the depths of our souls and sing for the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
wisdom of heaven has touched the believers in the city of Kiev, demanding an icon of the Most Holy God-bearer is prepared, and it is called "Mother of God of Port Arthur", to be the Protector and the Defense of pious warriors of the Russian Far East, and the consolation and help of Orthodox people. Therefore with a heart tender, we will sing this praise:
Rejoice, Thou Who art come from the city of Kiev as our intercessor.
Rejoice, confirmation of the orthodox faith;
Rejoice, Who blessed the veneration of holy icons.
Rejoice, which exhibits all the heresies;
Rejoice, which lowers their pride.
Rejoice, which transforms our sorrow into joy;
Rejoice, who rejoice in the hope evident.
Rejoice for thou also welcome the people of North America by Thy coming.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 3
God's power and grace of Our Lady reinforced the belief of an old sailor in his wonderful vision and inspired him to collect all that was necessary for the Your writing pure icon. With faith that the Lord gave him, and he undertook this work at the request of the Holy Mother of God, he commanded the icon and prayed to the Lord: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Having blessed the concern for the welfare of those who love Your Son and revealed that Thy will O Our Lady, with these words in a vision, "my holy icon in front of the pious armies of Christ in Port Arthur and assistance disperse hordes evil ", this message of triumph springs for us, and after hearing it, we'll sing:
Rejoice, constant intercession with the Lord Christ, Who's inclined to grant us His mercy
Rejoice, Who manifests the glory of thy miracles to sinners by pious men.
Rejoice, which removes the wrath of God through your intercession;
Rejoice Who are powerful and quick to help us in times of tribulation
Rejoice, Who we are guards against catastrophes by Ton sailing breast;
Rejoice, merciful, sparing the hopeless abyss of death;
Hail, covering veil of Thy faithful children of Thy goodness.
Rejoice, listening very merciful our prayers in pain and temptations;
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 4
The pious men of the city of Kiev, trying to stop the storm of revolt in Russia and the war in the Far East, accomplished the will of the Genetrix God sent and the icon in the embattled province Quantoon as a shield and a sign of triumph over his enemies, and they prayed to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
The people learned that the Orthodox icon of the Queen of Heaven would pass through their cities and provinces and they met with deep reverence. Multitudes of believers and pilgrims prayed with tears in their eyes and asked for help in the victory over their enemies, the issue of starvation and ruin, and peace for the world. Mêmement, we turn to you who are very blessed and sing to you:
Rejoice, adornment of Heaven;
Rejoice, intercession of the earth.
Rejoice Blessed daughter of the Heavenly Father;
Rejoice, Virgin carrier pre-eternal Son.
Rejoice, Who givest Divine Grace;
Rejoice, healing of our bodies.
Rejoice, Guide to the heavenly kingdom for our souls;
Rejoice, our deliverance from eternal death.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 5
A starburst in God is your icon, O God-bearer, which illuminates the whole earth from east to west, Russia to America, and enlighten all those who are lost in the darkness of disbelief and lead them to repentance, driving a multitude of deep distress and guiding them towards the path of salvation those who turn to you and cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
On day swirls of tribulation and temptation of the Genetrix God has given us great mercy, having expressed an icon of Port Arthur, so that those who turn to it with reverence and faith to receive healing and salvation of their souls. Now in great jubilation, we praise Thy ineffable mercy, and Te sing with warm devotion
Rejoice, lighting inflétrissable, You who enlightens us with the light of true knowledge of God;
Rejoice you, defense opens the door to paradise for the faithful.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of holiness;
Rejoice, river flow is Grace of God.
Rejoice, purification of our sins;
Rejoice, reconciliation with God those who repent.
Rejoice, Who accepted the good wishes.
Rejoice, Who aids our good start.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 6
The Holy Church of Your Son speaks of thy miracles, O Virgin, and the ends Earth can not fathom the power of God for deliverance, salvation, enlightenment and healing of His people, because of Thy holy icons came miracles, reflecting the endless mercy and generosity of Lord for the human race miserable. Therefore we glorify Thy icon and sing to thy Son and our Lord: Alleluia

Ikos 6
Shining like a star shining true of the Son of Justice, Blessed Virgin, Thy holy icon Port Arthur was sent. It reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Illuminant hearts and allowing the Orthodox people to perceive the great mysteries of God. Today, we, on the opposite shore of the ocean [and worldwide], standing before the holy icon seeking mercy, we raise our voices to sing this hymn:
Rejoice as rejoice in Thee the angelic hosts;
Rejoice, while triumph of humanity in you.
Rejoice, for your glory surpasses all earthly and heavenly praise;
Rejoice, our joy who consoles the hearts open to you.
Rejoice, good prompt intercession to help us;
Rejoice, Who made us a promise of salvation through Your icon.
Rejoice, Who defended by thy appearance of the enemy, the land of the Far East.
Rejoice, You promised victory, if your icon was made at Port Arthur.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 7
O Mother of God, a Russian officer willing to do the will of God carried the icon of Port Arthur to the fortress besieged by the enemy. But when he arrived in Dalian City, he discovered that military commanders did not believe in using the God-bearer, and he cried in tears to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new aspect of kindness we were shown as the icon of Port Arthur, because after the Lord, which allows humanity experience fire, sword, famine or disaster, has led to the defeat of Russian warriors, so the wicked held captive icon of Port Arthur, but he did not allow any of His people fall He took them in His merciful hand. With this example in mind, O Virgin, we bow before you and we beseech Thee: help [our country] to learn from this situation. Do not let us perish completely, but opens the doors of mercy to those who sing to Thee:
Rejoice, who bore the Saviour of the world;
Rejoice, the beginning of our salvation.
Rejoice, O Mother of God, who bears much suffering;
Rejoice, O Mother of Charity, Who you wipe all the tears of those who suffer.
Rejoice, Who give us the tears of tenderness
Rejoice, Who saved us passions.
Rejoice, Who saved sinners who are perishing,
Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, you who listen to the prayers of your servants.
Hail, Holy Queen rented centuries in which the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 8
We are the land of the pilgrims and sojourners, our life is futile and short. We do not think our purpose, or the dreaded tribunal of Christ, when we stand before the righteous Judge and give an answer for each of our actions and our words. We appeal to you, O Our Lady, wake us from sleep of sin, and through Your intercession grant that we may find forgiveness of our sins, while we cry out joyfully to Christ our God:

Ikos 8
All our troubles and sorrows past, rejects them away from us by prayer, O Holy Virgin, which was taken up to heaven, but whose prayers remain for those of the earth. Strengthens in the world of mutual understanding between Orthodox and gives everything that is useful to Thy servants, laying our lives in profound peace. In gratitude and glorifying Thee, we cry:
Rejoice, Who have set before our eyes the spiritual vision of the terrible hour of our death;
Rejoice, which teaches us to treat each day as the last.
Rejoice, which forbids us to love this world without God;
Rejoice, which purifies our hearts of all covetousness of wealth temporary
Rejoice, which prevents us to seek earthly glory, a passing shadow;
Rejoice, which encourages us to speak incessantly and keep in mind the sweet name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rejoice, Who guards us from vain talk and hypocrisy;
Rejoice, whose intercession for us before God is strong, we are removing the fear of being thrown into darkness.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 9
angelic orders marveled at the great work of mercy of God which does not allow His people perish completely, whether the conflict in the world where your icon was revealed and today in our century of conflict, because he hath given to us as our intercessor. Oh Lord, You are incredibly close to us and you hear those Te sing: Alleluia

Ikos 9
The wise of this temporal world, which were not illuminated by the light of true knowledge of God, worshiping a golden calf. The wrath of God has descended upon the world to such an act. We, sinners, seeing this, humbly pray, O Our Lady asked the Creator to change his righteous anger into mercy, and enlighten our hearts so that we worship none but the Lord in the Holy Trinity. O Virgin, have mercy on us who sing to you:
Rejoice, Who never deprived us of Your help and your intercession;
Rejoice that enlightens our minds with Your light veil of protection .
Rejoice, who anoint the wounds of our souls with the chrism of healing;
Rejoice, that lifts us from the depths of our iniquities Ta
helping hand.
Rejoice, Who do dissipate the dreams of sin from the laziness of our soul;
Rejoice, Who give birth to the tender emotions of our soul and contrition of heart.
Rejoice, which encourages us to repent and correct our shortcomings;
Rejoice, for Thou givest salvation to all who seek refuge under Your protective veil.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 10
As You wanted to save the people from the Far East perishing in the darkness of unbelief and apostasy, Thou, O God-bearer, you send pilgrims from Vladivostok to venerate the holy sites of Jerusalem. And there on the track where our Saviour walked with his cross, near the court Lythostratos, You manifest Your mercy, when they found your holy icon of Port Arthur. And so, with them we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
But you, Notre Dame, you do not send immediately Ton icon in the Far East, but You Consolas first nuns of the Monastery Hills by giving them a tour of three months, as long as you stay in the house of thy cousin Elizabeth. And now, O God-bearer, you
clear the wall of the fortress of Thy mercy and Thy generosity to the Christians by restoring your icon. You promised us through Thy veil for the establishment of the Orthodox Christian faith throughout the land. That is why we worship Thy holy icon of Port Arthur newly discovered Te asking firmly establish the holy faith through the whole extent of our territory and we will sing with joy
Rejoice, intercessor and protector of Christian nations, do not forget that [name of country];
Rejoice, giver of grace to the Orthodox Christians [the world].
Rejoice, pillar and ground of the Holy Orthodox Church
Rejoice, protection and veneration of sacred objects throughout the country.
Rejoice, deliverance from those held in captivity;
Rejoice, courage of those who are persecuted for the truth.
Rejoice, patience of those who suffer for their faith;
Rejoice, Protection of famine and infirmities.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 11
The nations of the Far East to welcome Your new icon, O God-bearer, like a beautiful sunrise and as our main hope, singing praises and hymns of thanksgiving, and speaking of mercy, to all nations of the world. And we, having put all our trust in God by thy prayers, here in [country] Him we sing joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Thee, Notre Dame, spread the holy icon of Thy Son, not made with hands, all the earth as a protection light that drives the moonless night of unbelief and shine like the dawn of eternity. That's why we sing for you with joy
Rejoice, Who are really bearing the Sunlight;
Rejoice Who are a crown adorned with stars.
Rejoice, Who are dressed in gold and a robe with many colors;
Rejoice, Who are wondrous beauty.
Rejoice, Who are the most lovable sun's heat.
Rejoice, Who are the light of angels and holy men;
Rejoice, Who hunts many multitudes of demons.
Rejoice, which dispels the darkness of disbelief.
Hail, Holy Queen praised in the centuries, including prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 12
Your icon, O God-bearer, Thy grace revealed as a precious treasure of the Christian Church. Receiving it in [Country Name], You promised us to be with us till the end of time, having said about your first icon: "My grace and my power will be with this icon!" We also believe that You are with us here in [name of country], where your people raises the song of prayer to your son: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
We praise Thy wonders, Notre Dame, both those who were and those who are. We praise Thee and Thy icon Port Arthur warmly venerated. Through it we know that You are always with us. Look at us with eyes of mercy, O Mother of God, and as we see thee on thy
icon, let us also see you at the hour of our death are with us and guiding us to the heavenly kingdom by Your loving and protective. In gratitude for all Thy goodness to us, now and in future we sing and sing:
Rejoice, adornment of the Church in Heaven and Earth;
Rejoice, Who are, after God, our refuge and our first comfort first.
Rejoice, defense and intercession of holy virgins
Rejoice, the foundation of the holy life for the faithful.
Rejoice, passage to the heavenly kingdom for those who love you;
Rejoice, deliverance from the power of the prince of this world for those who put their trust in You.
Rejoice, deliverance from suffering souls of sinners after death for those who praise Thee.
Rejoice, opening for us the gates of paradise.
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion 13
O Mother worthy of all praise who didst bear the Word praised by the angels in heaven, and by all peoples of the earth: be attentive to your turn to our humble prayers before Thy most holy icon and gives what is good and beneficial for our souls, that we Thy servants, we are saved by your prayers, and can sing to God: Alleluia. (This Kontakion is said 3 times!)

Ikos I
O Our Lady, the Creator of the angels chose you for nations hello graceful, and has awarded to us, as a mediator of Orthodox people, who delivers us from the invasions, famine and all misfortunes, and which confers piety and devotion to our lives. Therefore, remembering your goodness, Thee we sing a joyful heart:
Rejoice, home of the inaccessible deity
Rejoice, marvels of the people;
Rejoice, help and intercession of thine inheritance;
Rejoice, salvation of our lawyer;
Rejoice, gracious deliverance from trials;
Rejoice, indestructible shield our warriors
Rejoice, their swords and invulnerable armor;
Rejoice, and defeat terror of the enemies
Hail, Holy Queen praised the centuries, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Kontakion I
Our Lady, we your servants [Country Name] raise our voice to sing you a hymn of thanksgiving to You, our intercessor and our queen, chosen from all generations, you who defend us by the veil of Thy grace. We beseech Thee, O most merciful Lady, deliver us from all calamities and torment, while we offer This joyful hymn: Hail, Holy Queen praised the ages, including the prayers of mercy cover our entire country.

Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God

O Most Holy God-bearer, Who are higher than the Cherubim and Seraphim and holier than all the saints, venerating Thy icon we humbly pray: hear our prayers, you who see our sorrows and misfortunes, and as our most loving Mother am quick to rescue us, we who are defenseless. Requests Your Son and our Lord so that He does not give the land of [Country Name] to our enemies and do not treat us according to our iniquities, but grant us mercy rather abundant while As we turn from our sins. Notre Dame, ask Him in His goodness, the health of our body and the salvation of our souls, a peaceful life, prosperity and good, favorable seasons, and a blessing for all our good intentions and our commitments. You have graciously given thy icon of Port Arthur in the old days for protection of the Orthodox, but the icon was held captive by the world without God because of unbelief, and rejection of what is dear in Christ. And now, we venerate your icon found, which is valuable to us and we offer our songs full of zeal for You and Your Son, our sincere repentance.
O Queen, worthy of all praise, and stretch out your hand theophoric with whom You have given the Child Jesus, and pray that He delivers us from unbelief and evil. Show us, O Our Lady, the triumph of Thy mercy strengthened the faithful, enlighten those who are lost, healed the sick, comfort the afflicted and help the poor. Protects the earth from [Country Name] of your veil, delighted the peoples of the world, and filled the holy churches with those who hunger for the Lord's goodness, enlighten the nations of the world by the light of Your Son and our God, enabling us to fulfill our earthly life in all godliness and devotion, to have a good Christian end, and inherit the kingdom of heaven by your maternal intercession with Our Lord Christ born of you.
With him, with his eternal Father and Holy Spirit are all glory, honor and adoration, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Version French Claude Lopez-Ginisty


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