Monday, February 14, 2011

How Does Pregnancy Discharge Look Like

Orthodox Roots 2 / 15 February

February 2

Ton 4

Troparion to St. Goal hermit
(Natalice the 7th century)

Attracted by solitude with Christ, *
You retiras an island on Etel *
Then when you became Camors with followers, *
You founded a monastery in praise of God .*
Saint Goal faithful servant of the Gospel, *
Intercede for us with the God of Love!


Ton 6

Troparion to St. Hadeloge virgin
(Natalice the 8th century)

Princess Franks, daughter of Charles Martel, *
Illustrious conqueror of infidels in Poitiers, *
you ran away to escape the marriage, *
You founded the monastery Kintzingen, *
Where you spent the rest of your life in Christ.
Hadeloge Saint, pray to God to save our souls!


Ton 8

Troparion to St. Lawrence
Bishop of Canterbury,
(Natalice in 619 AD)

You went on a mission with St. Augustine, *
And thou wast his successor at Canterbury .*
After the death of the Most Christian King Ethelbert *
you suffered because of the new pagan king .*
O St. Lawrence, bishop of Christ in Albion *
Pray to God to grant us His great mercy!

+ +++++ +

To date the saint's feast, we chose the date of natalice (birth to Heaven) in the more traditional Orthodox Church. The troparia of our invention are not written in rhymed Alexandrine, and can sing the traditional Slavic colors. We in the West many intercessors also ensure that local us for centuries. Many are, alas, completely forgotten. It is natural that we celebrate together with the holy Russian, Greek, Serbian or Romanian who brought Orthodoxy in our land. Often, these relics blessed saints abandoned, have, when they were revered and honored an icon, shown the grace of God through the miracle of myrrh.
That the prayers of our fathers in the holy Orthodox faith of the West, and our sponsors spiritual saints Eastern Orthodox acting together, lead us to the eternal kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ! Amen!

Claude Lopez-Ginisty

I would be grateful to readers who are aware of icons of the saints mentioned let me know:


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