Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lexington Tires Es 335

Roots Orthodox 1st/14th February

February 1

Ton 1

Troparion to St. Bridget of Kildare,
(Natalice in 523 AD)

pious of Hibernia Girl, you were converted *
By St. Patrick, and you refuse marriage *
To devote yourself body monasticism and soul .*
You were a model of Christian perfection, *
And all God's creatures loved you .*
St. Brigid, pray God to save our souls!


Ton 2

Troparion to St. Gallen, virgin,
(Natalice the 6th century)

Virgin devoted to Christ your Bridegroom Celeste *
You lived a life in spite of your wealth *
Serving the poor and unfortunate .*
Your house was open to all those in distress, *
And your prayer was for all men. *
St. Gallen, intercede for our salvation!


Your 3

Troparion to Saint Severus, bishop of Avranches,
(Natalice the 7th century)

Normand you were born into a poor family, *
And you were employed as slave by a man *
That you managed to convert to the Lord .*
You were in town moinepuis bishop of Avranches, *
And you finish your life in a monastery .*
Saint Sever, begs God for us mercy!


Ton 4

Troparion to St. Siegbert, King of Austrasia,
(Natalice in 6567 AD)

Son of the great King Dagobert, you were baptized *
By St. Amand and educated by St. Pepin .*
Became King Austrasia, you have ruled *
Wisely creating numerous monasteries, *
and hospitals for your beloved people .*
Sigebert Saint, pray God to have mercy us!

+ + +++++

For the date of the saint's feast, we chose the date of natalice (birth to Heaven) more traditional in the Orthodox Church. The troparia of our invention are not written in rhymed Alexandrine, and can sing the traditional Slavic colors. We in the West many local intercessors who watch over us so for centuries. Many are, alas, completely forgotten. It is natural that we celebrate together with the holy Russian, Greek, Serbian or Romanian who brought Orthodoxy in our land. Often, these relics blessed saints abandoned, have, when they were revered and honored an icon, shown the grace of God through the miracle of myrrh.
That prayers of our fathers in the holy Orthodox faith of the West, and our sponsors spiritual saints Eastern Orthodox acting together, lead us to the eternal kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!

Claude Lopez-Ginisty

I would be grateful to readers who are aware of icons of the saints mentioned let me know:


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